Here in Montana we are acutely feeling the effects of climate change. Hotter summers, increased droughts, reduced snowpack, longer wildfire seasons and more wildfire smoke are risks we need to urgently address. We can help communities, rural areas and open lands prepare for changes which will only worsen unless we act with urgency. Congress must lead, allocating the necessary resources to better prepare our homes and communities. Congress recently stepped up its leadership role by passing funding for needed infrastructure, designed in part to help communities protect themselves from the increased risks of flooding, fires and storms. But that is only a start. We must provide needed incentives and resources to build and retrofit our homes and businesses, improve our transportation options, clean up our air, and so much more. Fortunately, our state is rich with people ready to roll up their sleeves to build a resilient Montana – this includes students researching how to assist farmers and ranchers as temperatures warm, health care professionals helping people access clean indoor air, builders weatherizing homes so utility bills shrink while comfort grows, and solar installers providing clean energy. As your representative, I will work alongside Montanans to accomplish the work for which they are so passionate. Montana faces a choice between two starkly different futures. We could become a forgotten zone that sees the worst impacts of climate change and misses the benefits of the new clean economy. Or our abundant renewable resources can bring prosperity while well-planned mitigation efforts build the resilient climate we need to protect our natural heritage, and us. The difference will be leadership, and I am ready to lead Montana toward a safe, secure future. Source: 7/25/2022
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